LG 18650 B3 2600mAh (Salmon)
- Capacity: Nominal 2600 mAh, Minimum 2500 mAh
- Standard charge: 0.5C (1250 mA), 4.2 volt, cutoff 50mA
- End voltage: 3 volt
- Max. discharge current: 1.5C (3750 mA)
- Operating temperature charge: 0 to 45 °C
- Operating temperature dsicharge: -20 to 60 °C
The cells is without any protection circuit. Note that my termination condition is 100 mA not the official 50 mA, this is probably the reason that my result is below 2500 mAh.
Each test does discharge the cell slightly, that is the reason for the seperation between the tracks and because they have no protection the test run all the way up to 15 ampere.
This cell shows good test result, and I will rate it as a very good cell.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by cpf user "Candle Lamp" for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries